terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2019

Dia 6 - Minha hack de Super Mario Kart

Bom hoje ( 02/07 )  eu fiz :

Gravei 3 vídeos de SMK Hack , 2 foram pro meu canal

To indo agora mesmo atualizar a lista de hack's de SMK com novidades , segue a lista :

Same tracks: Super Mario Kart [J] Turbo (NTSC) A Super Mario Kart Japanese Version Turbo Hack. You have infinite Mushroom. Super Mario Kart [E] GP150cc Training (PAL) A Super Mario Kart European Version Hack for GP150cc Record practicing. Speedometer is integreted, GP150cc and Special Cup are unlocked, Items probabilities have been modified to get only good items for Shortuts and Long Boosts. Super Mario Kart [U] GP150cc Training (NTSC) A Super Mario Kart American Version Hack for GP150cc Record practicing. Speedometer is integreted, GP150cc and Special Cup are unlocked, Items probabilities have been modified to get only good items for Shortuts and Long Boosts. Super Mario Kart [E] All Modes 150cc (PAL) A Super Mario Kart European Version Hack by smkdan where you can select 50cc, 100cc or 150cc for all of the 4 SMK modes (Battle Mode, Match Race, Time Trial, and Grand Prix) Super Mario Kart [U] All Modes 150cc (NTSC) A Super Mario Kart American Version Hack by smkdan where you can select 50cc, 100cc or 150cc for all of the 4 SMK modes (Battle Mode, Match Race, Time Trial, and Grand Prix) Super Mario Kart [U] Balloon Hack (NTSC) A Super Mario Kart American Version Hack by smkdan where you can select the number of balloons you will have in Battle Mode. Super Mario Kart [U] Items Hack (NTSC) A Super Mario Kart American Version Hack by smkdan on which there is a startup menu that allows you to select infinite items' for both player 1 and player 2. .
new tracks: Super Parigo Kart (PAL) A complete hack made by ScouB featuring new characters (from the SMK Championships community), 20 new tracks with working AI, 4 new battle arenas, new graphics, etc... Super Parigo Kart 2 (PAL) The sequel of Super Parigo Kart, still made by ScouB, featuring 20 new tracks with working AI, 4 new battle arenas. Mario Kart R (NTSC) A complete hack made by d4s! featuring Kirby replacing Toad, 20 new tracks with working AI, 4 new battle arenas, new graphics, etc... Reverse Mario Kart (NTSC) The same tracks than Super Mario Kart but driven in reverse mode, hack made by Lightfoot! and ShadowSMK! Some small adjustments have been made to the tracks to make the driving smoother and to enjoy new shortcuts. Super Mario Kart 2 (NTSC) 20 new tracks and 4 new battle arenas. Super Mario Kart 3 (NTSC) 20 new tracks made by Sylvain. Super Mario Kart 4 (NTSC) 20 new tracks and 3 new battle arenas made by Sylvain. Super Mario Kart 5 (NTSC) 20 new tracks and 4 new battle arenas made by KartSeven.

Encontrei 1 tutorial antigo de como editar o plano de fundo do jogo


Salvei algumas skins :
-Super Rayman

E quanto ao meu projeto ?
-Eu vou alterar durante o dia

E me perguntaram qual é minha pista favorita do SMK
Pra ser sincero , eu gosto de todas , porém vou dividir por copas , então na Copa Cogumelo eu gosto dessa :

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